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Saturday 15 February |
Saint of the Day: Franciscan Martyrs of Prague
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Marzena Devoud
Marzena Devoud
Marzena Devoud
The day St. Thérèse unleashed a spiritual revolution
Marzena Devoud
Hitting the snooze button too often is bad for sleep
Marzena Devoud
The day Our Lady of Czestochowa found herself behind bars
Marzena Devoud
Discretion: A forgotten virtue?
Marzena Devoud
What happened when a Polish IT magnate read St. Faustina’s Diary?
Marzena Devoud
3 Tips for single people feeling discouraged and lonely
Marzena Devoud
Can it do any good to ask someone forgiveness or forgive them after they’ve died?
Marzena Devoud
These Sisters of Mary Immaculate take in children no one else wants
Marzena Devoud
Beautiful book combines St. Thérèse’s wisdom with art of her time
Marzena Devoud
What does a pope’s desk look like? We take you inside
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