Move over, LA Lakers or New York Knicks, there’s another basketball team that is breaking records and wowing crowds!
The Italian national basketball team has just beaten Finland 34-18 to become European champions, having already won the World Championships in 2018, 2019, and 2022. And this weekend, they also notched up another big win to gain their third European gold medal.
Coached by Giuliano Bufacchi, and his assistants Mauro Dessì and Francesca D’Erasmo, it’s important to know the names of these champs: Stefano Barollo, Stefano Borgato, Alex Cesca, Andrea Durante, Raniero De Fusco, Alessandro Greco, Francesco Leocata, and Davide Paulis.
However, you may not have heard of this impressive team of young men, as they play in championships especially for those with Down syndrome.