Down Syndrome

Cerith Gardiner
The joy of child with Down Syndrome as he becomes altar boy

Theresa Civantos Barber
Best friends with Down syndrome head to college together

Mark Bradford
Down syndrome advocacy gone foul

Cerith Gardiner
The most stunning proposal at a Down syndrome conference

Cerith Gardiner
Woman among first to finish NYC Marathon with Down syndrome

Cerith Gardiner
Beautifully moving song about brother with Down syndrome

Cerith Gardiner
Big brother’s poem to sister with Down syndrome melts hearts

Anna Gębalska-Berekets
Tailor of custom-made suit loved it even more than client: Check out why

Anna Gębalska-Berekets
Family has eight kids, including four with Trisomy 21

Anna Gębalska-Berekets
Special Ed teacher welcomes orphaned student with Down syndrome

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