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Tuesday 25 March |
The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
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All about the lives of both the most popular and the least known saints of the Church, the liturgical Catholic calendar, and a comprehensive database of patron saints and prayers to them.
Philip Kosloski
How St. Gabriel is honored in the liturgy in March
Daniel Esparza
UN honors Archbishop Romero with Day for Truth and Dignity
Philip Kosloski
The profound symbolism of Jesus and the woman at the well
Cerith Gardiner
5 Saints to accompany you if you’re feeling scared
Daniel Esparza
Memoirs of missionary to Muslim lands now in English for 1st time
Philip Kosloski
One of the primary reasons we don’t hear God’s voice
Daniel Esparza
Little Missionary: New comic celebrates St. Thérèse’s legacy
Philip Kosloski
St. Joseph spoke one word that is recorded in the Bible
Christine Rousselle
Hallow app propels saint’s book to bestseller list
Daniel Esparza
Pope told old friend why he loves St. Thomas More prayer
Philip Kosloski
Was St. Joseph 90 years old when he married the Virgin Mary?
Theresa Civantos Barber
Open-and-go lesson plan for feast of St. Joseph
Cerith Gardiner
The Trinity and St. Patrick: A powerful teaching for today
Theresa Civantos Barber
Open-and-go lesson plan for feast of St. Patrick
Philip Kosloski
St. Patrick wrote this powerful letter to change hearts
Philip Kosloski
How trusting God can help calm our anxiety
Kathleen N. Hattrup
St. Teresa of Avila’s tomb to be opened for veneration
Philip Kosloski
How to strengthen your heart against temptations
Patricia Navas González
Pediatrician brings a relic of Carlo Acutis to sick children
Cerith Gardiner
5 Saints to accompany you if you’re feeling lonely
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