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Saturday 08 February |
Saint of the Day: St. Josephine Bakhita
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Sacred Heart
Matthew Becklo
“Dilexit Nos” and the scandal of the Sacred Heart
Daniel Esparza
“Dilexit Nos”: The heart beyond social media
Daniel Esparza
Jansenism: Understanding an old challenge in today’s church
Philip Kosloski
How we are all called to be missionaries in our daily lives
Philip Kosloski
How consecration to the Sacred Heart spreads Christ’s love
Philip Kosloski
The importance of how Jesus healed people in the Gospels
Philip Kosloski
St. John Henry Newman had a deep love of the Sacred Heart
Philip Kosloski
7 Bible verses that highlight God’s intense love for us
Philip Kosloski
Pope Francis recommends First Friday Devotion in encyclical
Camille Dalmas
Pope sees Sacred Heart devotion as remedy to 3 modern problems
Philip Kosloski
3 Prayers composed by saints to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
6 Key themes from the Pope’s encyclical on the Sacred Heart
Pope’s encyclical on Sacred Heart focuses on essentials of faith
J-P Mauro
A few of history’s most incredible Sacred Heart images
Philip Kosloski
How the Sacred Heart devotion is intensely Eucharistic
Philip Kosloski
Sacred Heart prayer for the conversion of “wandering sheep”
Philip Kosloski
How devotion to the Sacred Heart opens our heart to God
Pope to publish encyclical on Sacred Heart on October 24
Cécile Séveirac
Satanic spectacle in France leads to consecration to Sacred Heart
Philip Kosloski
3 Streams that flow from Jesus’ Sacred Heart
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