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Tuesday 11 February |
Saint of the Day: Our Lady of Lourdes
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Prayer Is:
A series of articles on prayer written by Father Peter John Cameron, OP
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Prayer is “Jesus” (part 3)
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Prayer and poverty: When you’ve nothing to give
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Prayer and solitude: The truest way to be together with others
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Praying is an art to learn: What does Jesus teach?
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
“Fundamental” and “only appropriate” attitude: Do we have it?
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Prayer is attention: What is before our eyes is wondrous
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Prayer is stillness: To let God’s healing have its way in us
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Prayer as entrusting (part 2)
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Prayer as entrusting (part 1)
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Because we can’t be happy on our own: Prayer as communal
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Prayer is rising up
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Why prayer can be “penance”
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
This is the prayer of the child of God
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Do you want delight and wonder in prayer? Try this
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Can ordinary people reach prayer of contemplation?
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
The holiest, most necessary spiritual practice
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
How to find the miracle of right now
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
This may be the hardest prayer
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Prayer is being gazed upon
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
When you’re lonely, this is the devotion you most need
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