Msgr. Gregory E.S. Malovetz
Pilgrims to the Manger
Msgr. Gregory E.S. Malovetz
Hosea, the flashlight man on Broadway, and hope
Joseph Pearce
Seeing things upside down with Isaiah
Msgr. Gregory E.S. Malovetz
Why Job should perhaps be in our Nativity scenes
Kathleen N. Hattrup
2 Lessons from Queen Esther and the Queen of Heaven
Kathleen N. Hattrup
Need energy? Consider hope: Lessons from Judith
Scarlett Rose Ford
Can Solomon teach us what we really want more of?
Scarlett Rose Ford
David’s trick for working and waiting in Advent
Scarlett Rose Ford
Wanting what we need at Christmas: Saul’s tragic lessons
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
The Lord’s freeing words to Samuel, and to us
Kathleen N. Hattrup
Ruth and Naomi: Following a mother to Bethlehem
Brian Schumacher
A kid’s ultimate adventure: Spying with Joshua (and Jesus)
Brian Schumacher
What Moses (and Jesus) gave up
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Breathtaking words from Old Testament Joseph
Fr. Taylor Colwell
We are chosen to receive blessing, but can we wait like Jacob?
Fr. Taylor Colwell