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Friday 07 February |
Saint of the Day: Bl. Anna Maria Adorni Botti
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Theresa Civantos Barber
7 Ways Catholics can live more sustainably in 2025
J-P Mauro
El Salvador archbishop cautions on lifting gold mining ban
John Touhey
Watch the Vatican Christmas tree rise in 30 seconds (Video)
J-P Mauro
UK bishops propose higher taxes on major polluters
J-P Mauro
Indian Catholic forum discusses goal of “integral ecology”
John Burger
Churches still stepping up for Hurricane Helene victims
J-P Mauro
Catholic University granted $31 million for nuclear cleanup
John Burger
Honduras Catholic leader gunned down; Pope speaks out
V. M. Traverso
How severe weather is affecting Catholic heritage
Theresa Civantos Barber
Camping with little kids: Worth it?
J-P Mauro
Filipino bishops enhance environmental protection policies
Pope orders construction of solar plant to power the Vatican
Theresa Civantos Barber
3 Reasons to read the Burgess books, according to my kids
Theresa Civantos Barber
A dispatch from the land of the cicadas
J-P Mauro
Milan Catholic University finds danger in plastics in soil
J-P Mauro
Thomas Aquinas College off the grid with free green energy
John Touhey
Why and how to celebrate Bird Day on May 4 (Photo Gallery)
Rev. Dr. Carlo Calleja
New masters program in environmental ethics
J-P Mauro
New program joins Catholic teaching and environmental science
J-P Mauro
CUA to open largest solar panel system in Washington, DC
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