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Sunday 09 March |
Saint Gregory of Nyssa
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Down Syndrome
Cerith Gardiner
When two dads whose kids have Down syndrome meet!
Cerith Gardiner
Brother’s joyous love for his younger sibling with Down syndrome
Cerith Gardiner
The joy of child with Down Syndrome as he becomes altar boy
Joseph Pearce
3 Books to read if you want to understand Down syndrome
J-P Mauro
Neanderthal with Down syndrome was cared for by family
Theresa Civantos Barber
Best friends with Down syndrome head to college together
John Burger
Down syndrome considered at United Nations side event
Mark Bradford
Down syndrome advocacy gone foul
Cerith Gardiner
Kentucky court swears in first paid deputy with Down syndrome
Cerith Gardiner
The most stunning proposal at a Down syndrome conference
Cerith Gardiner
Woman among first to finish NYC Marathon with Down syndrome
Cerith Gardiner
Beautifully moving song about brother with Down syndrome
Cerith Gardiner
The incredible European basketball champions with Down syndrome
Cerith Gardiner
Big brother’s poem to sister with Down syndrome melts hearts
Anna Gębalska-Berekets
Tailor of custom-made suit loved it even more than client: Check out why
Anna Gębalska-Berekets
Family has eight kids, including four with Trisomy 21
Mark Bradford
We can expand our concept of beautiful: Bravo, Mattel
Anna Gębalska-Berekets
Special Ed teacher welcomes orphaned student with Down syndrome
Cerith Gardiner
Must watch: Model with Down syndrome’s response to the new Barbie
Mark Bradford
A man of science and man of faith: and neither were easy
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