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Wednesday 26 March |
The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
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Cerith Gardiner
Are Christians allowed to date non-Christians?
Josephine McCaul
What modern dating experts seem to be forgetting
Cecilia Pigg
5 Ways to get to know your boyfriend or girlfriend better
Cerith Gardiner
8 Rules for modern-day dating inspired by the Bible
Cerith Gardiner
8 Perfect saints to accompany you in the dating world
Josephine McCaul
The joy in saying “I love you”… even if it’s not reciprocated
Karen Hutch
Lessons for a holy engagement from Blessed Sabattini
Cecilia Pigg
5 Funtastic board games to jump-start your date nights
Josephine McCaul
6 Practical ways to help a friend with a broken heart
Caroline Fischer
You’ll be shocked at how Benedict XVI’s parents met (Video)
Sarah Robsdottir
Looking for love? 5 dating tips from ‘Jewish Matchmaking’
Cerith Gardiner
The dangerous mix of assumptions, dating, and social media
Theresa Civantos Barber
Largest site for Spanish-speaking single Catholics is now free
Cerith Gardiner
Why I don’t believe in divulging too much about my past when dating
Cerith Gardiner
What I learned from dating an atheist
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