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Tuesday 25 March |
The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
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Mary Claire Kendall
‘Shadowlands’ shows how C.S. Lewis discovered love amid pain
Joseph Pearce
What happened when Father Christmas went to Narnia?
Philip Kosloski
Did C.S. Lewis really say “You don’t have a soul”?
John Touhey
Aleteia speaks with Tom Monaghan about his life and faith
Joseph Pearce
Only the beginning: Life after death with C. S. Lewis
Theresa Civantos Barber
Why our children need Narnia more than ever
Cerith Gardiner
Bringing C.S. Lewis and Sigmund Freud back to life (Video)
Cerith Gardiner
New movie with Freud and C.S. Lewis teaches us the art of arguing
Cerith Gardiner
7 Inspiring quotes from C.S. Lewis’ character in new movie
John Touhey
Artist takes us on a magical trip through wardrobe to Narnia
J-P Mauro
Critically aclaimed C.S. Lewis biopic is streaming now on a PC near you
Andrea Gibbs
6 Beautiful quotes from C.S. Lewis’ Narnia about eternity
J-P Mauro
New free online course explores the Christianity of C.S. Lewis
Theresa Civantos Barber
C.S. Lewis’ brilliant wisdom on living in dangerous times
Fr. Isaac Augustine Morales, O.P.
Screwtape comes to college
Daniel McNamara
The perils of studying the classics
Duncan Brown
The threat of being busy
Katie Sklarosky
Temptations of the flesh
Zelda Caldwell
Watch the trailer for new C.S. Lewis biopic “The Most Reluctant Convert”
David Mills
C.S. Lewis tells you about the saints
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