Do you ever wonder if each member of your family is happy? In fact, are you? It may be difficult to answer these questions but they’re definitely worth asking from time to time for the well-being of your entire family.
For a family to flourish it’s vital that each member has a full tank of love, joy, and happiness. In order to fill it up you need to follow these three steps:
1Ask yourself the right questions
Deep down inside, how do you know if your supply of happiness, or that of your family member, is running out? Is it down due to a clumsy remark someone made? Have you been stopped from doing something that was important to you?Have you ever prevented someone from doing something they wanted to do? Are there any other external factors that might have caused this behavior?
2Share your worries with your family
If you can share your feelings with other family members, you can simply explain to them that your supply is low. You can also ask them how full is their tank. If it is also low then you should be aware of this.
3Solving problems and resourcing in happiness
If it’s possible, discuss the problem in terms of your communication within the family and the ground rules that determine your life. Together, can you all shed some light on the issues that have cropped up, and adapt whatever needs changing so your family can move on with a tank filled to the brim with joy and happiness?
Dr. Dominique Megglé
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