Philip Kosloski
Sr. Maria Frassati, SV
Why waiting is so good for us
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Being loved by God isn’t being like everyone else
Philip Kosloski
Was St. Nicholas a real person?
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
When life is prevented from living
Philip Kosloski
What is Santa Claus’ real name?
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
With new hope: A day-by-day blessing for Advent Week 2
Fr. Paweł Rytel-Andrianik
3-Point Mass prep: Greek and Hebrew on “repent”
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Prayer is a kiss: What we learn from the Latin roots of ‘adore’
Philip Kosloski
What is the sanctuary in a Catholic church?
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
1 Step if you’re already stuck this Advent
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Have you met this “traveling Gospel” of compassion?
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Need a school of prayer? Find it in today’s Gospel
Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP
Advent meditations written while handcuffed
Philip Kosloski
What is the nave in a Catholic church?
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
God’s will … is actually what fulfills us
Sr. Maria Jose Acosta, OP
A preparation for Guadalupe’s feast even many Mexicans don’t know
Philip Kosloski
Why is St. Nicholas the patron saint of children?
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