Kathleen N. Hattrup
Philip Kosloski
Why is St. Cecilia the patron saint of musicians?
Tom Hoopes
Be not afraid: You too, are a king
Philip Kosloski
Increase your gratitude with this meditation
Philip Kosloski
St. Francis de Sales on how gratitude can lead to humility
Philip Kosloski
Ask God to bless your friends with this prayer
Fr Robert McTeigue, SJ
The Church’s own “wisdom from grandpa” is worth memorizing
Philip Kosloski
Reignite your love of God with this emotional prayer
Philip Kosloski
How St. Margaret led her wayward husband back to the Church
Kathleen N. Hattrup
The Bible verse that offers a solution to whining, bickering kids
Kathleen N. Hattrup
With the liturgy pointing to death, this prayer brings comfort
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