Fr. Patrick Briscoe, OP
David Mills
An easy way to give thanks more often
Philip Kosloski
New parents should pray this prayer
Philip Kosloski
How St. Kateri led many Native Americans to Jesus Christ
Philip Kosloski
Begin your day with this prayer of thanksgiving
Philip Kosloski
Why early Christians prayed before and after meals
Philip Kosloski
Sleep in peace with this calming prayer
Philip Kosloski
Why the first 30 minutes of your day are the most important
Philip Kosloski
12 Foods and drinks and their patron saints
Marzena Devoud
Advent: finally, a book especially designed for children
Fr Robert McTeigue, SJ
It’s time to find the Holy Grail — again!
Philip Kosloski
10 Advent apps to deepen your experience of the season
Philip Kosloski
A prayer for all political leaders
Philip Kosloski
Here’s how to be a “king” after Jesus’ own heart
Philip Kosloski
Pray to your patron saint after receiving communion
Top 10
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