Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Kathleen N. Hattrup
Grow in imitation of Mary by contemplating her parents
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Grabbing the best seats and taking up the cross
Philip Kosloski
Prayer to find strength in the martyrdom of St. James
Philip Kosloski
Did you know St. Christopher’s feast day is July 25?
Fr. Paweł Rytel-Andrianik
Mass prep – 3 points/30 seconds: A third of the Lord’s Prayer is about forgiveness
Philip Kosloski
Prayer that God will show the world the beauty of marriage
Philip Kosloski
Why St. Bridget of Sweden was named a patron saint of Europe
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Seeing our losses as pruning
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Mary Magdalene: A guide for the hour of trial
Philip Kosloski
Prayer to follow the example of St. Mary Magdalene
Philip Kosloski
3 Honors given to St. Mary Magdalene, according to Aquinas
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
Yeah, you!: When you realize the parables aren’t just about everyone else
Philip Kosloski
Why is St. Lawrence of Brindisi a Doctor of the Church?
Fr. Luigi Maria Epicoco
4 Concrete questions to see if you’re the “good soil” that gives 100-fold
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