Zelda CaldwellAs tensions rise in Ukraine, Catholic bishops urge leaders to “refrain from hostilities”
I.MediaRome & the World: most bishops understand Pope’s call on Latin Mass • ‘attack’ against BXVI denounced
Zelda CaldwellMarch for Life’s Vigil Mass: If Roe is overturned, Catholics should unite to “protect and care for women and children”
I.MediaRome & the World: women’s ordination group on Synod website • flag with cross causes stir in Boston
I.MediaRome & the World: fewer religious burials in Germany • liturgical warfare – listening, not accusing
Agnès Pinard LegryMacron wants to include the right to abortion in the European charter of fundamental rights
I.MediaRome & the World: Myanmar army bombs Christian refugees • last Christian in Syrian rebel province