
Christin Parcerisa
How to practice “spinal hygiene” — even when your back doesn’t hurt

Sophia Swinford
Could the Zika virus be a cure for another deadly illness?

Gelsomino Del Guercio
9 Natural remedies for melancholy and anger from a 9th century German nun

Calah Alexander
How to limit screen time during summer vacation

Mathilde Dugueyt
6 Things you can say to help your child develop empathy

Javier Fiz Pérez
The secret to having deep friendships

Elizabeth Pardi
Is a shoes-off policy at home really worth it?

Calah Alexander
Good news for people who like to sleep in on the weekends

Javier Fiz Pérez
Your baby understands more than you think

Jim Schroeder
How to find a good therapist for your child

Fr. Michael Rennier
6 Words of encouragement for single parents

Małgorzata Rybak
How to disarm a bully without raising a hand (Video)

Sophia Swinford
Twitter users share how mental illness affects them

Mathilde De Robien
My marriage is in crisis — should I consider divorce?

Cerith Gardiner
7 Ways dads can help their wives once the baby arrives

Sophia Swinford
Redheads have these 4 superpowers
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