Issues & Implications

Caitlin Bootsma
More US dioceses lowering age to receive Confirmation

Daniel Esparza
Why Nigeria’s persecution crisis matters to the world

Daniel Esparza
Could a ‘moral anchor’ be the path beyond divisions?

Daniel Esparza
AI’s impact on truth and a Christian response

Christopher M. Graney
Church and science: What’s to be made of the history? The future?

Jean-Marie Gomas
Positive turn in end-of-life legislation debate in France

Daniel Esparza
AI and the temptations of contemporary idolatries

Daniel Esparza
How we make sense of the world: And what it means for AI

Christopher M. Graney
The real reason the Church opposed Galileo

Daniel Esparza
Why Nicaragua’s crisis matters

Christopher M. Graney
A new look at the Galileo case, from the Vatican Observatory

Christopher M. Graney
Did (and does) the Church oppose the science of evolution?

Christopher M. Graney
Why would the Vatican meddle in science? To correct it?

Christopher M. Graney
The Church and evolution, and just one book it condemned
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