Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa
Ary Waldir Ramos Diaz
Communion in the hand vs. Communion on the tongue: Pope Francis responds
Pope Francis on St. Joseph
Kathleen N. Hattrup
It’s not enough to “like” the saints, says Pope Francis
Philip Kosloski
These apparitions were officially declared “fake”
Kathleen N. Hattrup
Pope in Padre Pio’s hometown: The devil gets inside us
Kathleen N. Hattrup
Vatican finds Guam archbishop guilty; removes him from office
Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa
Cantalamessa’s 4th Lent homily: The what and why of obedience
Kathleen N. Hattrup
Pope: In mortal sin, we shouldn’t go to Communion
Padre Pio and the popes
Paul de Dinechin
Towards a World Day for Eastern Christians
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