Daniel Esparza
Words for hope in the Bible

Mary Claire Kendall
Faye Dunaway: A rock of spirituality undergirds her stardom

Cerith Gardiner
5 Short but powerful Bible quotes for any emergency

Philip Kosloski
How frequent Communion can preserve a soul from evil desires

Philip Kosloski
Why is green used in the middle of January?

Camille Dalmas
75 years ago, the Vatican adopted its national anthem

Cerith Gardiner
How these 6 elderly heroes from the Bible can inspire us now

Theresa Civantos Barber
Notre Dame’s biggest bragging point? Team’s popular Bible study

Philip Kosloski
Confession provides many graces beyond absolution of sins

Philip Kosloski
How St. Hilary of Poitiers was an example of reconciliation

Kathleen N. Hattrup
God’s face and voice: Pope reflects on Jesus’ baptism

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