Could this be the first Marian miracle on a cell phone?
This is a story that Brooklyn pastor Father Patrick Longalong posted today on his Facebook page.
I share it with his blessing:
An NYPD cop who had gone through a rough situation suddenly saw this image of Mary with the baby Jesus in her arms in his cellphone.
Father Patrick explained how it came about:
A friend just sent me this picture, asking me if I knew the name of the image. He said, “Long story.” I told him it is Our Lady of the Milk. And he told me the story: His friend [the NYPD cop] was taking pictures of himself with his family but when he looked in the phone, all the pictures that he took were gone except for this one. He didn’t recognize it and didn’t remember taking it. He was concerned where it came from, so he took it to the Apple store to ask if it got transferred accidentally or what. They told him there was no indication that it was transferred over, or that anybody sent it to him. The picture had to have been created in the phone. He started asking people he knew (priests, relatives, friends) if they could identify the image. No one could give him a definite answer.This went on for two years, until he showed it to my friend, who then sent it to me, to see if I recognized it. It is Our Lady of the Milk (Nuestra Señora de la Leche), which is the oldest Marian shrine in the U.S. It is as if this picture was taken by someone who went to that shrine in St. Augustine, Florida. However, apparently, the owner of the phone was never there.
Bottom line: No one explain how the image ended up in the phone.
This is a picture of the shrine in Florida:
READ MORE:The First Mass in the USA was Celebrated at Shrine of Our Lady of the Milk