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Saturday 15 February |
Saint of the Day: Franciscan Martyrs of Prague
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Morgane Afif
Morgane Afif
Morgane Afif
Lourdes and Notre-Dame de Paris, united by a candle
Morgane Afif
These beautiful churches survived the Battle of Normandy
Morgane Afif
New stained glass windows of Notre-Dame to depict Pentecost
Morgane Afif
AI to the aid of Chartres’ stained glass windows
Morgane Afif
How to face losing loved ones to neurodegenerative disorders
Morgane Afif
Your favorite saints reveal the truth about who you are
Morgane Afif
Immersive light show to illuminate French churches
Morgane Afif
Parenting advice from the mother of a girl who may become a saint
Morgane Afif
The “stained glass prayer” that can give light to daily life
Morgane Afif
The space between words: an invention of monks
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