With Valentine’s Day upon us, love is very much in the air. However, some married couples might not feel in the mood for celebrating, as perhaps they feel that their marriage is not-so-perfect. And perhaps they’re not feeling so much love towards their spouse.
And this is when they need to take solace from Fr. Wade Menezes of the Fathers of Mercy, who shares what a perfect marriage entails — and let’s just say it’s not necessarily roses around the door!
We’ll leave you to discover the priest’s words of wisdom in the video below, and hopefully they’ll inspire you to approach your marriage in a whole new light.
And just for fun, we’ve come up with a few ways devout Catholic married couples might be a little imperfect. See if some ring true for you!
The “Who’s Holier?” competition: You both insist the other should take the last piece of cake because sacrifice … but secretly, you were hoping they’d cave first.
Sunday morning scramble: Trying to be a model Catholic family, but somehow, you’re always dashing into Mass — with at least one kid missing a shoe.
Liturgical calendar confusion: One of you always knows when the feast days are, while the other is still recovering from Christmas when Lent suddenly appears out of nowhere.
Different prayer styles: One prays the Rosary with monk-like devotion; the other falls asleep halfway through the second decade.
Catholic guilt stand-off: You feel guilty for not doing the dishes, while your spouse feels guilty for wanting you to do the dishes. Nobody wins.
Confession accountability partner: Your spouse gently “reminds” you to go to Confession … but suspiciously right after you got irritated at them.
The “Holier Than Thou” prayer requests: Your spouse prays, “Lord, help my beloved grow in patience and understanding,” and you know exactly what that means.
At the end of the day, an imperfect marriage is exactly the kind that God works through — full of grace, humor, and the little sacrifices that slowly make saints out of spouses. And if you need further inspiration, take a look at these quotes that celebrate married love: