Regularly going to church is something Catholicss are called to do. However, with the distractions of daily life, people often find excuses for not going to Mass on Sundays. And Fr. David Michael Moses explains how one excuse he hears in particular just doesn’t hold up.
In the video posted on his Instagram account, the priest shares how some people say they don’t go to church because “people there were sinful and hypocritical.” While Fr. David Michael could easily have turned around and pointed out that we shouldn’t judge others, he actually provided an analogy that is not only useful, it allows us to reflect on building our own faith.
As he points out, people of all types of strength and fitness go to the gym. Likewise, people of all levels of holiness go to Mass. In both cases, it’s by attending regularly that the benefits should pay off! (It’s definitely worth listening to his complete explanation below.)