“How does parrotfish poop make sand? And what does that have to do with God’s promise to Abraham?”
These questions from the back book cover of Dive Deep: 40 Days with God at Sea certainly sparked my kids’ interest.
“Parrotfish poop???” Their faces contorted in laughter. “And…God’s promise to Abraham?” My oldest school-aged child sobered up, his eyes tinged with confusion and intrigue. Because how in the world are these two things actually related? We had to find out.
Salvation at sea
Forty days later, I’m thrilled to say we were not disappointed. Actually, my five school-aged sons (ages 7 – 16) and I were blown away by this one-of-a-kind devotional put out by the Daughters of St. Paul that explores salvation history — from creation, to Christ, to today — through 20 Bible stories that happen at sea. The book is also filled with fascinating scientific and historical facts, trivia, profiles of saints, prayer and journaling prompts that helped us take our morning prayer time “deeper.”
Out of all the passages, I think the one about Noah affected us the most. It’s a story we’ve read countless times and yet it was presented with scientific and historical facts about tending animals at sea that made me understand the scripture in a new and profound way.
A book for Advent… or Lent… or any time
Themes of personal sacrifice are discussed that, along with the book’s 40-day reading structure, made me think: Hey, this is a perfect book for Lent! But then I’d marvel over the brilliant illustrations and conclude: Nope, it’s my new go-to Christmas gift!
So, I’ve resolved to highly recommend Dive Deep for both seasons. It would also be a great way to bring meaning to a summer vacation at the beach. I know I’m bringing my copy to the ocean next summer, as I’ll certainly be thinking about parrotfish poop when I walk in the sand (and no, I’m not going to tell you about that wacky scientific fact/miracle; you’re going to have to read the book yourself!).
Dive Deep: 40 Days With God at Sea, 170 pages, Daughters of St. Paul; $24.95