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Pope leads Rosary for world peace (Photos)

Pope Francis prays for the Rosary for Peace with members of the Synod Assembly in the basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore

Antoine Mekary | ALETEIA

Kathleen N. Hattrup - published on 10/06/24

Pope Francis calls the international community to "work to end the spiral of revenge"

After reiterating his constant appeal for peace in the Holy Land during the Angelus address on October 6 at midday, Pope Francis led a rosary this evening in the Basilica of St. Mary Major, for the intention of world peace.

October 7, the first anniversary of Hamas’ attack on Israel, will be a Day of Fasting and Prayer for world peace.

After praying the midday Angelus at noon today, the Pope called for the release of the hostages, many of whom are still captive now after a full year. He also lamented the suffering of the Palestinian people, and called for humanitarian aid for everyone.

Tomorrow marks one year since the terror attack on the population in Israel, to whom I once again express my closeness. Let us not forget that there are still many hostages in Gaza. I ask for them to be released immediately.

Since that day, the Middle East has been plunged into a condition marked by increasing suffering, with destructive military actions continuing to strike the Palestinian people. This people is suffering very much in Gaza and in other territories. Most of them are innocent civilians, all of them are people who must receive all necessary humanitarian aid.

I call for an immediate ceasefire on all fronts, including Lebanon. Let us pray for the Lebanese, especially for those who live in the south, who are forced to leave their villages.

I appeal to the international community, that it may work to end the spiral of revenge and prevent further attacks, like the one recently carried out by Iran, that could make that region fall into an even greater war. All nations have the right to exist in peace and security, and their territories must not be attacked or invaded, their sovereignty must be respected through and guaranteed by dialogue and peace, not by hatred and war.

After mentioning this evening’s Rosary, he reiterated the call he made last week, to dedicate October 7 to fasting and prayer.

“Let us unite with the power of good against the diabolical plots of war,” he urged.


In the evening at St. Mary Major, the Pope presided over the praying of the Rosary, surrounded by many cardinals and synod participants. He concluded with a prayer asking Mary to obtain God’s mercy.

He prayed for “the human family, which has lost the joy of peace and the sense of brotherhood.”

The nave of the Marian Basilica was packed, with 368 members of the Synod on Synodality, held in Rome throughout October, in attendance. Last year, he organized a similar event shortly after the deadly Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

“We stand before you again,” declared the Pope in his supplication.

He asked Mary to intercede “for our world in danger, so that it may preserve life and reject war, care for those who suffer, the poor, the defenseless, the sick and the afflicted, and protect our common home.”

After a ceremony lasting just under an hour, the Pontiff, who kept a grave face throughout and spoke in a reserved tone, left the Marian Basilica to return to the Vatican.

Pope FrancisRosaryWar
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