As human beings, we are all prone to suffer from diseases of many kinds, cancer included. No one can avoid it, not even the saints! In fact, when we learn about the lives of the saints, we discover that many of them suffered from various ailments.
Knowing that we share this bodily weakness, we can turn to them to console us in moments of pain and to intercede with the Lord. Their prayers may help to obtain from God the restoration of our own or someone else’s health, if it is God’s will, but also the grace that our sufferings may serve for our sanctification.
Saints we can invoke in the face of cancer
Cancer is a disease that has become more common over the past century, but there is evidence of its occurrence as early as 5,000 years ago. We don’t know if Jesus healed cases of cancer in particular during his earthly life. However, we do know that he “went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing every disease and every sickness among the people” (Mt 4:23). It seems like we can reasonably guess that he healed some people with cancer among them!
In any case, let us trust in the healing power of Jesus and the intercession of the saints who help us pray for this grace. Here are seven saints to whom we can turn in the face of this suffering.