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Seasonal check in — are you using your summertime well?

Mom watering plant with daughter

Yuganov Konstantin | Shutterstock

Cecilia Pigg - published on 07/24/24

With summer approaching its midpoint, it can be helpful to pause and take stock of how we are spending our days. Here are some questions that may help.

Ready for a seasonal check-in? I find that I need to take inventory of how I am spending my time at different points throughout the year. It is a simple way to pause and see where my minutes and hours are going and determine if I should make any changes.

What were my seasonal goals?

This is a question I ask myself regularly during the year. Natural times to do this for me are in early January with the new year, at the end of the school year in the spring, and then in the weeks approaching the start of a new school year at the end of summer. So, using this summer as an example, I had hoped to sit outside more in the evenings, establish a summer prayer routine (an important habit for me to instill when the normal routine of school is not present anymore), and finally, to maintain some semblance of joy and patience during summer travels.

How’d I do?

I sat outside more a bit before the mosquitoes took over, but didn’t take as much advantage of prime porch weather as I could have. I did establish a summer prayer routine. And while I’ve had to revise it a couple of times due to a hungry baby in the night and bedtime challenges, I have revised it and haven’t given up — which is a victory. As far as patience and joy while traveling, I’m not sure how objective I can be on that front. I think overall I was more successful than not.

For yourself, what goals did you have this summer, official or unofficial? Things you wanted to do or people you wanted to see? Have you accomplished them? If not, why not?

Where is my time oriented?

Goals aside, the next thing I look at is where my time is oriented. I ask myself how I am doing in the different areas of my life. Prayer and time for God? Time for family? Time for friends? For my spouse? For children? How is the balance in my life of time spent at work versus time spent not working? Am I fulfilling the basic obligations I have in my state in life?

Are there times in the day I notice myself mindlessly scrolling and clicking or finding another way to avoid the task at hand? What tasks am I avoiding that need to be done? These might be work-related or home-related — maybe there are chores that need to be done or monotonous tasks that I always push to the bottom of the list.

Or maybe you are quite good at accomplishing tasks, but not so good at engaging with the person in front of you who asks something of you. Maybe the relationships in your life need more work than finishing your to-do list in a timely manner.

Last question(s)

The last question (or series of questions) I use to try to frame my time well is related to a principle. The principle is something along this line: I am more fulfilled when I give myself away. Or said another way, I am happier when I let go of my desires and wish to control and allow others’ requests of me to lead the way.

So I ask myself, where am I clinging to time in my day? How do I react when people (looking at you small children and husband!) ask things of me? Do I graciously give of myself? Or do I give begrudgingly and frustratedly?

Holy Spirit, show me how I can use my time better!

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