“Thank you for the sun,” “Thank you for gentleness,” “Thank you for the faith,” “Thank you for differences”… Claire Sallé de Chou, a French artist who goes by Claire S2C, is publishing a different reason to say “Thank you” to God every day during Lent.
Because the cross of Good Friday heralds the joy of Easter morning, Claire is accompanying the journey to Easter with her sweet, colorful drawings, preparing for that joyful celebration.
Gratitude means recognizing God’s providential hand in all things. It means knowing how to welcome good moments, yes, but also being able to accept the more difficult ones. Putting ourselves into a thankful mentality means taking the focus off ourselves to open ourselves to others.
Gratitude unites our soul to our creator, and thus is a way of life that invites us to appreciate what we have, rather than lamenting what we lack.
How else can we conclude than by saying, “Thank you, Lord, for the talent you’ve given Claire!”
Here we share some of her illustrations with English translations: