In addition to our spontaneous moments of prayer throughout the day, the Church encourages us to set aside specific times to pray.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church lists four specific ways to incorporate prayer into our daily lives (cf. CCC 2698):
Sunday Eucharist
The most fundamental way that we can pray is by attending Mass on Sunday, observing the “Lord’s Day.”
This fulfills one of the Ten Commandments and is the first and foremost way we can pray.
Morning and Evening Prayer
The Church suggests that each Christian dedicate some time each morning and evening to praise and thank God for the day.
This could include praying the Liturgy of the Hours, but does not have to be that specific prayer.
Prayer before and after meals
Another basic time of prayer is before and even after meals.
This is a way to give thanks to God for the food provided for us.
Observing the Liturgical Year
The Catechism explains, “The cycle of the liturgical year and its great feasts are also basic rhythms of the Christian’s life of prayer” (CCC 2698).
This means observing the feasts and celebrations of the Church, not only those on Sunday, but also those during the week.