March 10 puts us nine days before the feast of St. Joseph on March 19.
Aleteia offers you a daily novena, which can be found here. This novena resource includes the Litany to St. Joseph and the prayer to the saint that Pope Francis says every day.
You can also access a two-page novena from the US bishops here.
The Aleteia novena is called “Pray Boldly,” taking inspiration from Padre Pio, who says:
I do not remember having asked anything from St. Joseph, without having obtained it readily.
The model for each of us
Pope Francis calls St. Joseph his “dearest friend.”
“I have never hidden the closeness I feel towards St. Joseph,” he’s said. “I think that it comes from my childhood, from my formation.”
The Holy Father said that he sees in Joseph the representation of “what Christian faith should be for each of us, in a beautiful and simple way.”
In fact Joseph is a normal man and his holiness consists precisely in making himself a saint through the beautiful and ugly things he had to experience and face.