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Pope suggests this difficult litany for Lent

Pope Francis blesses faithful at the end of his weekly general audience in Paul VI Hall

Antoine Mekary | ALETEIA

Kathleen N. Hattrup - published on 02/29/24

Have you outdone anyone today in showing honor to those around you?

Pope Francis explained the dangers of envy and vanity in his Wednesday general audience on February 28 (although he didn’t read his prepared text himself, as he admitted still being a bit under the weather).

The Holy Father followed up his explanation with some concrete advice, given in the greetings to various language groups at the end of the audience.

“In this time of Lent,” he suggested, “let us strive not to put ourselves at the center; rather let us try to step aside to make room for others, promote them, and rejoice in their qualities and successes.”

We could ask ourselves, who have we built up this week? Have we rejoiced in the success of others?

This Lenten resolution will help us overcome envy, which, the Pope said, is rooted in a false idea of God — because we don’t like God’s “math.”

He noted how the parable of the workers who arrived at the last hour and still got the same pay is an example of how God likes to give generously, but doesn’t distribute his gifts and talents equally.

Pope Francis recommended St. Paul’s advice: “‘Outdo one another in showing honor’ (Rom 12:10). Here is the remedy for envy!”

To help us to learn “God’s math,” the Holy Father had a concrete suggestion: The Litany of Humility by Cardinal Merry del Val.

If you’ve never prayed this Litany, you’ll find it’s pretty tough to get through! It’s one thing to say the petitions, but to actually mean them is something else!

But the Pope assured that this litany will help us “combat vices that distance us from the life of Christ.”

Take a look at the litany and some motivation to pray it here:

Catholic PrayersPope FrancisVirtue
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