Information is in general a good thing, especially if it concerns current events and helps us stay up-to-speed with the world around us.
However, it is possible to overdose on information and general knowledge, just as with food. We simply don’t need to know everything, and sometimes too much informationit can harm our soul.
Thomas à Kempis in his Imitation of Christ, reflects on this notion of too much information:
Rest from inordinate desire of knowledge, for therein is found much distraction and deceit. Those who have knowledge desire to appear learned, and to be called wise. Many things there are to know which profits little or nothing to the soul.
Knowing many things can often make us seem like we know everything. This can lead to a certain pride and we may dive into social media comments with a pompous attitude, thinking that we are the wisest of all.
Furthermore, while it may be good to know what is going on in the world, there are other types of knowledge that could benefit us and our soul, as Kempis explains:
And foolish out of measure is he who attends upon other things rather than those which serve to his soul’s health. Many words satisfy not the soul, but a good life refreshes the mind, and a pure conscience gives great confidence towards God.
If we are suffering from information glut, it might be time to reorder our priorities and seek information that will lift us up and benefit our soul.