Sometimes, “it seems that God is not listening to us,” Pope Francis acknowledged in speaking to the grieving families of Polish miners who died in two methane explosions in coal mines in April 2022. He met the families of the victims at the Vatican on March 24, 2023.
“Losing a husband, a father in an accident like this, is awful. And also the fact that some were buried there, in the mines… ” the Pope said. “Here before you, I don’t know what to say. The silence is compassionate.”
A year earlier, on April 20 and 23, two tragedies struck the mines of Pniowek and Zofiowka in Poland, killing seven and ten people, respectively. “I would not like to say words; I want to tell you only that I am close to you, very close, with the closeness of the heart, and I pray with you in this very difficult and painful situation,” he said.
“Prayer, at times, in these moments … it seems that God is not listening to us,” acknowledged the 86-year-old Pontiff, explaining it seems that all there is the “the silence of the dead and the silence of God.”
“And this silence, at times, makes us angry. Do not be afraid: that anger is a prayer,” the Pope reassured the grieving families.
“It is one of the ‘whys’ we repeat to ourselves continually in these situations. And the answer is: ‘In darkness the Lord is close to us. We do not know how, but he is close to us,’” the Head of the Catholic Church said.
After praying with his guests in silence, Francis gave them his blessing and greeted them one by one.