The moment a child comes into our lives, and at every stage afterward, we hope and pray for their safety and well-being. Whether we’re a parent, a teacher, or we work with children in another capacity, we know that it takes a team of dedicated and loving people to help children fulfill their God-given mission as they grow up.
To that team, don’t forget to add some heavenly helpers who you and your children can call on in any circumstances for assistance. Here are 7 saints known to be powerful prayer warriors for children on their way to adulthood.
For children in utero – St. Gianna Molla (1922-1962)
A doctor, wife, and mother, Gianna died after making the choice to carry her fourth child to term when she had cancer. She is a patron of unborn children and their mothers.
For babies – St. Nicholas of Tolentino (c. 1246-1304)
Conceived after his childless parents made a pilgrimage to a shrine dedicated to St. Nicholas, this Nicholas became a friar and worked as a peacemaker, preacher, and healer.
For girls – St. Catherine of Genoa (1447-1510)
Catherine was a prayerful girl who felt called to religious life but instead had to enter into an arranged marriage at the age of 16. She led her husband to faith and they ended up serving the poor together.
For boys – St. John Bosco (1815-1888)
Fatherless at the age of 2, John helped to provide for his family and always had a heart for children from a young age. He eventually founded an order to work with and educate boys.
For all children – St. Joseph, husband of Mary
Who could be a better saint for your children than Jesus’ own earthly father? A carpenter by trade and the husband of Mary, he listened and obeyed angels who were sent to guide him.
For teens and young adults – St. Charles Lwanga (1860-1886)
Charles was one of the Ugandan martyrs and was killed in the Mwangan persecutions when he was 26. A chief page for the king, he secretly baptized and tried to protect the young men under his care.