Tuesday 9 August 2022
1. Archbishop Paglia on Archie’s death: ‘Humanity defeated when life decided by a court’
2. Who is Rolando Álvarez, the bishop defying Daniel Ortega’s regime?
3. In Assisi, an urban art exhibition on the figure of Pope Francis
Archbishop Paglia on Archie’s death: ‘Humanity defeated when life decided by a court’
Archie Battersbee was a 12-year-old English boy who died on Saturday after his parents lost a legal battle to keep his life support on. Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, took to Twitter to express his sorrow. “I pray for Archie Battersbee and his family. When the life of someone is decided by a court, humanity is defeated,” he tweeted. Archie had been in the hospital since April 7, when his mother found him lying unconscious in their Essex home. Doctors concluded that he was “brain-stem dead”—when a person fails to respond to outside stimulation and will likely never regain consciousness or be able to breathe without support. However, his parents, Paul Battersbee and Hollie Dance, fought a drawn-out court battle with his doctors to keep him on life support. On June 13, a High Court judge ruled that Archie was “dead” and said that his life support could be withdrawn. His parents tried to appeal the decision but they were unsuccessful and the Supreme Court ultimately upheld the Court of Appeal’s decision, resulting in Archie’s life support being taken away on Saturday, August 6. The English bishops also expressed their support for the child and his parents.
Vatican News, English
Who is Rolando Álvarez, the bishop defying Daniel Ortega’s regime?
When Bishop of Matagalpa, Nicaragua, Rolando Álvarez, tried to leave his home to preside over mass last Thursday, he found riot police blocking his gate and has since been besieged inside his home. With a cross in his hands, Bishop Álvarez sang to the police, “You are my soul brother, really my friend…” and also prayed in front of them. The Nicaraguan prelate has been targeted as he is very openly critical of the current political regime led by President Daniel Ortega, whose relations with the Church have been steadily deteriorating since 2018. In May 2022 Bishop Álvarez had announced an indefinite fast to protest the persecution of the Church by the authorities. In May 2018, the prelate was part of a team from the Episcopal Conference that served as a mediator in the dialogue between the current regime and the opposition. However, the dialogue quickly broke down leading to strong protests which were met with violent repression. These tensions have continued to increase since then. Last week, the government closed several Catholic radio stations and other bishops have also been targeted by the authorities. “Even in this situation we maintain our joy, our strength and our inner peace, and we continue to show the world that, thanks to the Holy Spirit, we are men and women with the capacity for dialogue,” said Bishop Álvarez in a video sent from his confinement. “We call you to keep hope alive, the Lord will restore Nicaragua,” he added.
Infobae, Spanish
In Assisi, an urban art exhibition on the figure of Pope Francis
For the first time, an exhibition of urban street art will decorate the areas surrounding the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi, reports the Italian website Assisi News. The author of the works is Roman artist Mauro Pallotta, better known as Maupal, who is famous for representing Pope Francis in various ways, including as Superman. A banner was already installed in Assisi on August 2 showing the Argentinian Pontiff standing on a step ladder with a paintbrush in hand, writing in green capital letters “Fratelli tutti.” The color green is supposed to represent the theological virtue of hope. This is just the first of a series of “papal” artworks by the artist which will be displayed from September 15 to November 6 in Assisi. The exhibit is supposed to animate the important meeting of “The Economy of Francesco,” which will be held in the city from 22 to 24 September. On September 24, the Pope himself will come to meet with young entrepreneurs and activists to discuss the future of the economy in the light of the model of St. Francis.
Assisi News, Italian