A video showing twin sisters separated by COVID being reunited after one of them spent time in the hospital has gone viral on the internet.
The reunion was posted by the girls’ mother, Bianca Delgado Damin, on June 7, and she wrote: “I already cried a few times before posting it. And I couldn’t keep it to myself … It’s too much love! Thank you all for the prayers, support and strength.”
In the video, little Heloísa (“Helo” for short), who was in the hospital for a week because of COVID, opens the door of her home and sees her twin sister Juju again. The two had missed each other terribly and had been waiting anxiously to see each other again.
The result: joy for Heloísa’s healing and for her coming back home, as well as long, spontaneous hugs filled with that love that only siblings feel for each other.
Although their encounter is wordless—everything is expressed through hugs, adoring looks, a kiss, and gestures—the mother added subtitles (in her native Portuguese) narrating the meeting and imagining Juju’s words to her twin:
After a long week, Helo was released from the hospital, and …
The meeting with her twin went like this…
“Ahhh, how I missed you. Do you promise never to stay away this long again?”