The Diocese of Lafayette Office of Vocations and Seminarians shared the prayer that a newly ordained priest, Fr. Alex Lancon, made for his First Holy Communion in 2002.
The post was then tweeted by Will Dailey, who shared that the diocese was “really knocking it out the park” with the adorable post.
In the post we get to see the young Alex receiving his Eucharist for the first time, and the beautiful prayer he’d written for the special occasion. (We’ve copied it out below, complete with the then-young Alex’s adorable spelling mistakes.)
I’m sure when I reeseav you Jesus my sole will tremble in a good way. When I am kneeling and the priests is about to put your body on my tung my lips will shake in a good way. When you are in my body my heart will pump like never before. When I walk to my pew my legs will feel like they’re going to drop. When I am kneeling I will thank you so much. And I will never forget about my first communion. And I will thank you for my Cathlec faith. Love Alex Lancon”
Well, a couple of decades on and the heartfelt prayer seems all the more meaningful now that the young boy has become Fr. Alex Lancon.
It was interesting to see that people were quick to congratulate the work of those who’d played a part in instructing the youngster in his faith. As Hope Rising stated: “Precious! What a wonderful job the catechist did for this child and all the souls that will be served by this holy priest.”
It’s also wonderful to see the power of the Sacrament, and how it can accompany us throughout our lives and bring us on the most fulfilling spiritual journey.