While most of us will not be asked to give our lives for our faith, all of us are likely challenged to stand-up for it in the public eye.
This can be difficult to do, but the example of the early Roman Martyrs can inspire us and strengthen our faith, helping us to be more willing to sacrifice our reputation for our faith.
Here is the Collect Prayer for the feast of the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome, asking God to strengthen our faith from the example of the martyrs.
O God, who consecrated that abundant first fruits of the Roman Church
by the blood of the Martyrs, grant, we pray,
that with firm courage we may together draw strength
from so great a struggle and ever rejoice at the triumph of faithful love.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.