Jesus’ gift of the Eucharist is the example of a total gift of self, poured out in love for humanity. Every time we receive the Eucharist, we should be inspired to live a “eucharistic” way of life, imitating Jesus’ example of self-offering.
Here is a prayer from the The Catholic prayer book and manual of meditations that looks to Jesus’ example on the altar for a way of living in our everyday lives.
We firmly purpose to become from this moment
the devoted adorers of this sacrament of love,
and to take thy eucharistic life for the rule and model of ours.
Give us grace to honor thy silence on our altar
by the spirit of recollection and prayer;
thy poverty, obedience, and adorable sanctity by detachment from all things,
renunciation of self-will, and horror of sin.
Above all, we beseech thee, O living Bread of eternal life!
to remove all obstacles to our frequently and worthily receiving thee;
and to grant us so tender a devotion to this adorable mystery,
that our hearts and thoughts may ever be turned to thee present on our altars,
and every action of our lives be directed to the perfect accomplishment of thy holy will. Amen.