The group Jane’s Revenge, which has taken credit for numerous attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers across the nation, has issued a declaration of criminal intent. In their latest disturbing missive, which is circulating social media platforms, they called for “open season” on pro-life health providers and promised escalating levels of violence in the days to come.
Jane’s Revenge
Wikipedia describes Jane’s Revenge as an American terrorist organization that has threatened and perpetrated terror attacks in the name of defending abortion rights in the U.S. Formed after the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on Roe v Wade in May, the group has already taken credit for firebombing a crisis pregnancy center in Wisconsin. Jane’s Revenge has also been linked to incidents at similar locations in New York, North Carolina, Washington, Wisconsin, Ohio, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and Iowa.
Now Jane’s Revenge is calling for greater levels of violence that “may not come in the form of something so easily cleaned up as fire or graffiti.” The group wrote that in the past months they have demonstrated “how easy and fun it is to attack,” and they called on members and prospective members of their organization to “go do one of your own.”
Jane’s Revenge, a moniker that refers to Jane Roe of Roe v Wade, noted that they are composed of cells. The group listed 16 U.S. cities in which these cells are active, as well as hinting at more.
30 Days
The group wrote that 30 days have come and passed with “no sign of consilience or even bare-minimum self-reflection” on the part of pro-life pregnancy support workers, which they refer to as “you who impersonate healthcare providers.” They wrote:
“Your thirty days expired yesterday. We offered an honorable way out. You could have walked away. Now the leash is off. And we will make it as hard as possible for your campaign of oppression to continue.”
They went on to describe themselves as “versatile” and “mercurial” and stated that they answer to no one but themselves. They warned that they consider it “open season” on any “anti-choice” organization that does not shut its doors permanently. They stated that they “will never stop, back down, slow down, or retreat,” and noted that they find “joy” and “courage” through these attacks.
The “communique” ended with an open call to all those who wish to do harm to join their cause. They wrote:
“Everyone with the urge to paint, to burn, to cut, to jam: Now is the time. Go forth and manifest the things you wish to see.”
See a map of attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers in the U.S. at CNA.