During the 19th and 20th centuries, Irish immigrants relocated to many different countries, taking with them their strong Catholic faith.
However, that faith has not always stood the test of time, and many people of Irish descent no longer practice the faith that St. Patrick established on the Emerald Isle.
Here is a prayer from Dom Prosper Guerangerin his Liturgical Year, praying that Irish people everywhere will return to their Catholic roots.
Pray for Erin that dear country of yours, O God,
which loves and honors you so fervently.
She is threatened with danger even now
and many of her children have left the faith you did teach them.
Let your fatherly care follow them that have been driven
to emigrate from their native land,
may they keep true to the faith,
be witnesses of the true religion in the countries to which they have fled
and ever show themselves to be the obedient children of the Church.