The Church often prays during Advent that Jesus will come again, and that his coming would occur at Christmas. It would be a perfect time of the year for Jesus’ Second Coming to occur, as we are already in a state of preparation, eagerly awaiting the celebration of his birth.
At the same time, some of us may be hesitant to pray such a prayer. Are we ready for Jesus to come again? Do we want the world to end? These are questions we should ask ourselves, as they may reveal areas in our heart that still need to grow.
Here is such a prayer from Dom Prosper Gueranger in his Liturgical Year, expressing the hope of the Church that Jesus would hasten and come again at Christmas.
O King of nations, your are approaching still closer to Bethlehem,
where you are to be born.
The journey is almost over.
Dearest King, blessed are you for all the wonders of you power and goodness.
Come speedily, we ask you, come and save us,
for we are dear to you as creatures,
that have been formed by your divine hands.
Come, for your creation has grown degenerate,
it is lost, death has taken possession of it.
Take it again into your almighty hands and give it a new creation.
Save it, for you have not ceased to take pleasure in and love your own work.