Lenten Campaign 2025
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An ultrasound performed in public in Mexico this past October 3 enraged the militant pro-abortion movement and discredited their narrative, since it shows that an unborn baby is precisely an unborn baby and not a mere “clump of cells.”
The event took place in Mexico City during the March for Women and Life, a national event in which more than a million protesters participated throughout the country as a whole, 300,000 of them in the capital alone.
The ultrasound showed the baby of Ana, a pregnant teenager in her 38th week of pregnancy. According to the news agency ACI Prensa, the young woman voluntarily participated in the event and she also had the consent of her parents.
Check out the video posted by David Ramos, a member of the ACI Prensa team in Mexico:
Other videos shared on social networks show that it was possible to hear the baby’s heartbeat during the procedure:
Militant pro-abortion activists, however, were not only unmoved by the video, but even declared themselves “outraged” by Ana’s free and spontaneous participation, calling it a “circus” and a “disgusting exhibition.”
For the pro-abortion proponents, in other words, Ana is free to decide to have an abortion from the age of 12, but she’s not free to decide to have an ultrasound in support of the pro-life cause. In their opinion, Ana has the “right to decide freely, independently and informedly about her body and sexuality,” but “there’s nothing touching about seeing an ultrasound performed on a pregnant teenager: on the contrary, it’s troubling.”
These last words were written and published by Guillermo Rafael Santiago Rodríguez, general director of the Mexican Youth Institute, an organ of the leftist government of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The activist concluded his tweet saying, “Let’s not normalize these kinds of images. It is not about religious ideologies, but about RIGHTS.”
So, by abortionist “logic,” it shouldn’t be normal to have an ultrasound? It shouldn’t be normal to look at the images of an ultrasound? Are the images revealed by the ultrasound “religious ideology?” Should the “right” to abortion be exercised blindly? Is it “abnormal” to do an ultrasound that reveals to the pregnant woman the living, helpless human being developing in her womb?
Angered pro-abortion militants
This level of rabid irrationality imposed by pro-abortion militants cannot disguise what actually infuriates them: the unmasking of their supposed “pro-rights argumentation.” After all, in order to force down the throats of all citizens the non-existent “right” to eliminate babies, one must also eliminate the facts—especially those revealed by an ultrasound.
The dictatorial fury of the abortionist militia knows no boundaries—neither logical, nor biological, nor democratic.
Just remember, for example, that the left-wing government of Spain is discussing a law that would jail pro-lifers who pray in public near abortion clinics. Or that the Argentine courts have just upheld an aberrant prison sentence for a doctor who refused to perform an abortion, choosing to save the pregnant woman and the baby instead.
In the same Mexico that has been the frequent scene of violent attacks by militant feminist pro-abortion vandals against churches, public spaces, and police, the National Human Rights Commission has released a “Primer on Sexual Rights of Adolescents and Youth,” with a pro-abortion narrative that claims that minors as young as 12 years of age have the “right to decide in a free and informed manner about reproductive life” and “about their body and sexuality.” The supposed “informed manner,” however, does not seem to include something as basic and obvious as an ultrasound—and, if it does, it certainly does not make it clear why the facts revealed by an ultrasound could not be shared in public without this being pejoratively called a “circus.”
Pro-abortion activists threatening and insulting pro-lifers
The prejudiced use of the term “circus,” in fact, was made by a radical pro-abortion feminist group calling itself “The Witches of the Sea,” who, via Twitter, declared: “Mexico is the country with the highest number of cases of child sexual abuse and teenage pregnancy in the world. These people think these events are something to celebrate, exposing a little girl as if she were a circus. Disgusting.”
Social media, by the way, and Twitter in particular, boiled over with unpunished threats against pro-life protesters in Mexico during and after their protest for the true rights of women and the unborn child. In addition to receiving displays of “tolerance and love” in the form of epithets like “filthy pigs” and “psychopaths,” or “pacifist” statements like “I hate them,” they also received explicit threats of assault from abortion activists.
Recurrent intolerance and physical violence from pro-abortion groups
What do these militants, who arrogate to themselves the badge of champions of “rights,” “democracy,” “tolerance” and “inclusion,” have to say about the protests by Mexican feminist vandals on September 28? Rodrigo Iván Cortés, president of the National Front for the Family, sums up those protests: “They demanded that violence be legalized, while injuring and sending to the hospital some 27 female police officers, exercising terrible violence with hammer blows, a lack of consideration for women.”