Many people have been given crucifixes or medals of their name saint. Over time these religious items often end up in a jewelry box for the next generation. However, a recent experience reminded me of the importance for parents to wear a medal on a regular basis — after all, it’s so much more than a fashion accessory.
This week we had a rather stressful family event going on. I’d asked for prayers and prayed a lot more with my Sacred Heart medal than usual.
While I usually look at the medal and smile at its beauty — and sometimes its spiritual meaning — this week I’d been really relying on it, and taking great comfort in it.
Little did I know that my 13-year-old son had picked up on my little gestures. The night before the day we were all dreading, he was off to bed. Before he went upstairs, he reached down to give me a kiss. As he did, he reached out and grabbed my medal and started praying. Afterwards, he shared that he’d prayed that we’d all be okay and for God to look out for us. He then skipped up the stairs feeling a little lighter.
That’s when it struck me. We know kids pick up on our every gesture, but when they can use our own faith to comfort themselves in times of insecurity, it’s a very powerful gift to be given.
So if you have a religious medal or a crucifix that you can attach to a necklace, bracelet, or even key chain, do it. Show your kids that you carry your faith with you wherever you go, and it can be a incredible source of comfort.