Throughout his ministry, St. Anthony of Padua had a deep devotion to the Blessed Mother. It is said that he urged his followers to daily recite a Three Hail Mary Novena.
The practice of this devotion was simple, and consisted of praying three consecutive Hail Marys. Often this would be connected with an intention of purity, though it is not restricted to that intention.
In particular, it was a devotion that was most often recited in the evening hours, as the Catholic Encyclopediaexplains.
[T]here can be no doubt that the practice of saying three Hail Marys in the evening somewhere about sunset had become general throughout Europe in the first half of the fourteenth century and that it was recommended and indulgenced by Pope John XXII in 1318 and 1327
St. Anthony of Padua loved reciting the name of Mary, and said the following words about the practice.
The name of Mary is sweeter to the lips than honey, more to the ear than the sweetest music,
St. Anthony of Padua
more delicious to the heart than the purest joy.
If you are looking for a simple way to invoke God’s blessing into your life, try reciting the Hail Mary three times in honor of the Trinity and trust in his marvelous plan.