Sometimes a person we encounter will fan the flames of hatred in our heart. Their words or actions really get under our skin and it is difficult to see them as a child of God.
Jesus challenged us to “love our neighbor as ourselves,” which means we need to change that hatred into love.
It isn’t easy, but with God’s help, it is possible.
Here is a short prayer from the Roman Breviary that can help quench those fires of hatred we may have.
O God, Who can not change nor fail,
Guiding the hours as they roll by,
Brightening with beams the morning pale
And burning in the mid day sky.
Quench the fires of hate and strife
The wasting fever of the heart
From perils guard our feeble life
And to our souls Thy peace impart.
Grant this O Father, Only Son And Holy Spirit
God of grace To Whom all glory Three in One
Be given in every time and place. Amen.