God gave us a body with five senses: taste, smell, touch, hearing, and sight. These senses help us experience the world God created and assist us in our everyday lives.
Yet, too often our senses lead us along the wrong path and we let our bodily passions overrule our spiritual beliefs.
Here is a short prayer from the Raccolta that asks the Virgin Mary to help direct our senses toward God, that everything we do may be in his honor.
Mary, dear mother! Mother most amiable! Tender mother! Mother full of love and sweetness for your children! We ask you, by this our loving act of thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity, obtain for all of us grace ever to employ the powers of our soul, and our five senses, to the honor and glory of God, One in Three Persons, directing all our actions to Him, and loving Him with pure Heart, even as you loved Him here on earth; that thus we may be able to attain to the enjoyment of Him in the bliss of heaven with thee for ever and ever.