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Looking to meet someone? Try these 5 resources for single Catholics



Theresa Civantos Barber - published on 05/14/21

If you're single and Catholic, or looking to start a relationship, check out these apps, sites, and events created with single Catholics in mind.

If you’re on social media, chances are you’ve seen some hilarious Catholic pick-up lines floating around, things like “Man cannot live by bread alone, so how about dinner and a movie?” or “If I were to pray the Rosary with you, it would truly be a Glorious Mystery.” 

It’s easy to joke about meeting someone, but the reality is much more difficult. How is a faithful Catholic supposed to sort the wheat from the chaff in the vast world of dating?

If you’d like to start a relationship with someone wonderful, check out these 5 resources for single Catholics. They might spark the connection you’ve been looking for, or simply offer some needed support and camaraderie during this season of your life.

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